
The Process

We start by taking a look at your tribe! The good, the bad, and the ugly- After all, Jim Rohn says, “we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with

With the good stuff, we will find ways to get creative and enhance those strengths.

 With the bad, we will sort through the difference between perceived bad and actually bad.

With the ugly, that’s where the real work takes shape.


Here, in this place, we might find a real longing for a significant partner but realize that you might need more skills to find one

  • Or we discover more superficial friends rather than authentic ones

  • Or you don’t share values, morals, or ethics with those around you

  • Others don’t seem to be making space for you

  • Lack of common interests

  • There’s a chance that we see more gossiping than real connection

  • Maybe we explore repetitive rejections

  • We might also find a partnership that has already formed but is barely hanging on

  • There’s lying or cheating or belittling

  • We might find a lot of irritability and frustration in your exchanges

  • Emotionally charged outbursts run rampant

  • Your kids are acting out because they feel the run-off of your hurdles

  • People give you more constructive criticism or reprimands than positive feedback

  • You’ve been overlooked for promotion or progressions for issues with others

  • We might also find that your levels of productivity have decreased because your relationship dynamics with others are flowing into the workplace


After we explore the hurdles, we move on to your VALUES: We get to explore each of the following categories to see what is important to you.



This is the “greater than you” type of stuff. It’s totally subjective, but it’s essentially where you derive your meaning of life.

Examples: Maybe you value moral character traits like love and compassion or find energy in prayer, meditation, or mindfulness. There are practices of deprivation, like fasting, and there’s obedience and communal ownership. You can value science and evolution or completely reject the numinous/non-material altogether.  



There’s space to carve out for family, but you determine what that looks like.

Examples: Some people value really close-knit families, communicating just as often as getting together. Carving out plenty of space for special events. Others value the distance while also staying connected in creative ways.


We spend a lot of time working! For a lot of us more time is spent working than being at home.

Examples: You might value a career that you’re head over heels in love with. Or you could value a job because it pays your bills.


This has a lot to do with how you process information.

Examples: You might value positivity. Working hard to find the good in everything. Or value objective data, facts, and evidence.



How do you see yourself in the context of others?

Examples: Some people value the quality of other people’s character and really hone in on deeper levels of intimacy. Some other people value diversity amongst the company they keep.


These are the values that pertain to your physical body.

Examples: People value health through fitness, and diet. People also value health through self-care like massages, acupuncture, and regular check-ups.



What is your view of money?

Examples: Do you value most of your money being in the bank? You value the money in its original form. Or is the value of money wrapped up in nice things?


Then there’s the incongruencies!

We line up your hurdles next to your values and see if they make sense.



You value positivity and gratitude as a means of processing information, but you connect with people by gossiping about friends in common



You value communal ownership as part of your spirituality, but people are rejecting you more often than they accept you



You value a job that’s progressive and feel confident that you have what it takes to move up, but nobody has a clue what you need from them



You value financial generosity and giving back to the community, but you owe so much money to others that it has jeopardized your relationship with them



You value a close-knit family, but your family is a bit burned out by always making the efforts or always catering to your needs


You value larger groups of friends, but the larger the group, the more lost you feel



You value healthy living, but nobody can attest to what that actually means



So, what do we do with all this information?

We make your values and your behaviors congruent at the point in which they intersect with your tribe

  • You value mindfulness to feel more grounded, and so we practice what that looks like in your interactions with others

  • You value a creative mindset, so we work on flexibility with other’s ideas, and a willingness to listen

  • You value a connection in your workplace, so we make space in your schedule to reach out

  • You value frugality and saving for the future, so we look towards someone else with similar values to give better guidance  

  • You value a healthy partnership, we find creative ways to invest in it, nurture it, and make it a priority

  • You value reciprocity in your connections with others, so we look for ways that we can set that example

  • You value healthy living in the community, so we search for a group that is looking for new members to explore that lifestyle


What’s the END goal?

Through our work together, you can definitely expect to at least walk away with a basketful of new perspectives to choose from

  • You’ll know the results of your tribe analysis

  • Or how to create one from scratch that reinforces your values

  • Or how to totally overhaul one that isn’t working

  • You’ll be able to glance at your tribe and recognize that something has shifted, in a positive or negative way

  • You’ll be able to recognize if the shift requires your attention

  • You’ll learn how to move in a little closer

  • Or if the shift is better left alone

  • You’ll feel more empowered knowing that your role in your tribe totally depends on you

  • You’ll know how to set boundaries when things go south

  • You’ll know what to do to put your own oxygen mask on first

  • You’ll know what techniques successful tribes use to connect

  • Or how healthy tribes communicate

  • You’ll see what reciprocity looks like

  • How gratitude and generosity are exchanged

  • How we all thrive with authenticity